Sore Throat
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What is a Sore Throat?

  • Typically caused by viral infections like colds or flu.
  • A sore throat often brings discomfort, making swallowing and talking painful.

Did you know?

The sensations associated with a sore throat may start as dryness, progress to a burning sensation, and, in severe cases, result in sharp pain when swallowing or speaking, often radiating to the ears or neck.

Alleviate Sore Throat with Dequadin®

Medicated Throat Lozenges

  • Clinically Proven
  • Reliable Relief

Unique Dual action with antibacterial and antifungal relief from sore throat and minor mouth infections.

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Oral Spray

  • Effective
  • Convenient Solution

An oral spray designed for addressing mouth infections through topical application.

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These products may not be right for use. Always read and follow the label.

Our Product Range

Explore our diverse product range to discover the ideal solution for your needs and experience the soothing relief it brings to your oral health concerns.

Dequadin Dequadin

For sore throats

Medicated Throat Lozenges

Unique Dual power action with antibacterial and antifungal temporary relief from sore throat.

  • Clinically ProvenClinically Proven
  • Reliable reliefReliable relief

For minor mouth infections

Oral Spray

A spray and oral mucosal solution for topical treatment of mouth ailments.

  • EffectiveEffective
  • Convenient SolutionConvenient Solution